PhD Candidate
University of Tasmania
Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies & Centre for Marine Socioecology
“People say to me, ‘How did you first become interested in animals?’, and I look at them and I say: ‘Was there a time when you were not interested in animals?’ It’s the first sort of pleasure, delight and joy you get as a child. As a child grows, he becomes aware of all sorts of things, sex or computers and the internet and so on. But if he loses the first treasure, he’s lost something that will give him joy and delight for the rest of his life.”
David Attenborough
2017-ongoing: PhD candidate
University of Tasmania
Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies & Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS) & Adrift Lab & Tangaroa Blue Foundation
"Identifying community-based reduction and mitigation tools for plastic debris in Australia"
Supervisors: Jennifer Lavers, Alex Bond, Andrew Fischer, Heidi Taylor

2014-2016: MSc Conservation Biology
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
“Microplastic pollution in estuarine food chains” (URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/23082)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. José Pedro Granadeiro & Dr. Pedro Lourenço
2006-2012: BSc in Environmental Biology
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Work experience
May 2017-October 2017: Field Assistant & Researcher - Monitoring the Iberian Emerald Lizard, Lacerta schreiberi in Sintra, Portugal.
BIOTA – Study and Environmental Education (URL: http://biota.pt/).
March 2016-December 2016: Researcher at GAME (Global Approach by Modular Experiments Project - http://go.shr.lc/2jElq46).
“Does heat stress amplify the effect of microplastics on marine benthic filter feeders?”.
GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel & João-Canning Clode Marine Lab
August 2013-March 2014: Volunteer research assistant (VRA) for the project “Foraging ecology, movements and abundance of an avian predator of mesopelagic prey: new and deeper insights using novel techniques and ideas” (http://go.shr.lc/2jECzL2)
Supervisor: Dr. Silke Waap
National Museum of Natural History and Science | University of Lisboa (URL: https://goo.gl/QpH2x5)
December 2013: VRA for the project “Powerlines and Birds. Impact and mitigation”
Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) (URL: www.spea.pt/).
April 2013-November 2013: VRA for the project: “Foraging behaviour, diet and energetic intake of shorebirds”.
Supervisor: Dr. Pedro Lourenco
National Museum of Natural History and Science | University of Lisboa (URL: https://goo.gl/QpH2x5)
September 2012-January 2013: VRA for the project “Giant South American River Turtle Project: Conserving for the future”
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus, Brazil (URL: portal.inpa.gov.br/)
January 2012-July 2012: VRA for the Carnivore Conservation Ecology research team (https://goo.gl/3GP03Q).
University of Lisbon - Faculty of Sciences | Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (ce3c department)

Awards & Grants

2019 - Awarded with a National Geographic Society grant (Reducing Ocean Plastic Pollution - https://goo.gl/QgWn44) with the project "Effectiveness of community-based Source Reduction Plans for marine plastic debris".
2017 – PhD scholarship, Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. Project: "Identify patterns in the distribution of plastic debris in Australia".
2016 – 2nd best poster: Gonçalves, C. S., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. (2016) Plastic food: microplastic consumption by shorebirds and their prey in three intertidal habitats along the East Atlantic Flyway. International Wader Study Group Conference. 09-12 September. Trabolgan, Ireland