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Oral Communications

Serra-Gonçalves, C. Assessing the effectiveness of marine debris mitigation strategies.  3 Minute Thesis Competition - Heat. University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, 12 August 2019

Serra-Gonçalves, C. How effective are community-based Source Reduction Plans (SRPs) reducing plastic debris in Australia? National Geographic Society - Australian Explorers Spotlight Event, Melbourne, September 2019

Serra-Gonçalves, C., Lavers, J.L., Taylor, H., Fischer, A. & Bond, A.L. Assessing the effectiveness of individual plastic debris mitigation strategies. University of Tasmania Research Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 23 November 2018. (PhD confirmation)

Serra-Gonçalves, C., Lavers, J.L., Taylor, H. & Bond, A.L. Effectiveness of community-based Source Reduction Plans (SRPs) for plastic debris. University of Tasmania Research Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 6-7 September 2018. (Poster presentation)

Serra-Gonçalves, C., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. Microplastics in Tagus estuary, Portugal: factors affecting their distribution and evidence of their ingestion by shorebirds and their prey. VI Iberian Ornithological Congress (SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds). 23-25 April 2016. Vila Real - UTAD, Portugal.




Poster Communications

Serra-Gonçalves, C., Lavers, J.L., Taylor, H. & Bond, A.L. (2019) Global review of beach debris monitoring and future recommendations: Are we speaking the same language?. University of Tasmania STEM Forum, Hobart, Tasmania, 17-19 September 2019.






Serra-Gonçalves, C, Lavers, JL, Taylor, H, Bond, AL. The effectiveness of community-based Source Reduction Plans (SRPs) for plastic debris. University of Tasmania Research Conference, 6-7 Sep 2018, Hobart.


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Gonçalves, C. S., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. (2017) Plastic food: microplastic consumption by shorebirds and their prey in three intertidal habitats along the East Atlantic Flyway. SCCS - Student Conference on Conservation Science. 28-30 March. Cambridge, UK.


Gonçalves, C. S., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. (2016) Plastic food: microplastic consumption by shorebirds and their prey in three intertidal habitats along the East Atlantic Flyway. International Wader Study Group Conference. 09-12 September. Trabolgan, Ireland.


Gonçalves, C. S., López-Baucells, A.  & Rocha, R. (2014) Iris photo-identification of the Amazonian Turnip-tailed gecko Thecadactylus rapicauda. XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology. 30 September – 4 October. Aveiro, Portugal.





Romero, A.L.B., Bernhard, R., Castelblanco, D.N., Vogt, R., Duque, S.R. & Gonçalves, C. S. (2014) Nesting habitat of the six-tubercled Amazonian river turtles Podocnemis sextuberculata, Biological Reserve of The Trombeta River, Brazil. 11th Symposium on Conservation and Participatory Management in the Amazon. 01 – 03 July. Tefé, Brazil.


Gonçalves, C., Bernhard R. & Vogt, R. (2013) Effects of nest-relocation on hatching success of yellow-spotted and six-tubercled Amazonian river turtles. International Symposium on Freshwater Turtles Conservation. 22- 24 May. Gaia Biological Park - Porto, Portugal.


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