PhD Candidate
University of Tasmania
Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies & Centre for Marine Socioecology
“People say to me, ‘How did you first become interested in animals?’, and I look at them and I say: ‘Was there a time when you were not interested in animals?’ It’s the first sort of pleasure, delight and joy you get as a child. As a child grows, he becomes aware of all sorts of things, sex or computers and the internet and so on. But if he loses the first treasure, he’s lost something that will give him joy and delight for the rest of his life.”
David Attenborough
Oral Communications
Serra-Gonçalves, C. Assessing the effectiveness of marine debris mitigation strategies. 3 Minute Thesis Competition - Heat. University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, 12 August 2019
Serra-Gonçalves, C. How effective are community-based Source Reduction Plans (SRPs) reducing plastic debris in Australia? National Geographic Society - Australian Explorers Spotlight Event, Melbourne, September 2019
Serra-Gonçalves, C., Lavers, J.L., Taylor, H., Fischer, A. & Bond, A.L. Assessing the effectiveness of individual plastic debris mitigation strategies. University of Tasmania Research Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 23 November 2018. (PhD confirmation)
Serra-Gonçalves, C., Lavers, J.L., Taylor, H. & Bond, A.L. Effectiveness of community-based Source Reduction Plans (SRPs) for plastic debris. University of Tasmania Research Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 6-7 September 2018. (Poster presentation)
Serra-Gonçalves, C., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. Microplastics in Tagus estuary, Portugal: factors affecting their distribution and evidence of their ingestion by shorebirds and their prey. VI Iberian Ornithological Congress (SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds). 23-25 April 2016. Vila Real - UTAD, Portugal.

Poster Communications
Serra-Gonçalves, C., Lavers, J.L., Taylor, H. & Bond, A.L. (2019) Global review of beach debris monitoring and future recommendations: Are we speaking the same language?. University of Tasmania STEM Forum, Hobart, Tasmania, 17-19 September 2019.
Serra-Gonçalves, C, Lavers, JL, Taylor, H, Bond, AL. The effectiveness of community-based Source Reduction Plans (SRPs) for plastic debris. University of Tasmania Research Conference, 6-7 Sep 2018, Hobart.

Gonçalves, C. S., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. (2017) Plastic food: microplastic consumption by shorebirds and their prey in three intertidal habitats along the East Atlantic Flyway. SCCS - Student Conference on Conservation Science. 28-30 March. Cambridge, UK.
Gonçalves, C. S., Catry, T., Granadeiro J.P. & Lourenço, P.M. (2016) Plastic food: microplastic consumption by shorebirds and their prey in three intertidal habitats along the East Atlantic Flyway. International Wader Study Group Conference. 09-12 September. Trabolgan, Ireland.

Gonçalves, C. S., López-Baucells, A. & Rocha, R. (2014) Iris photo-identification of the Amazonian Turnip-tailed gecko Thecadactylus rapicauda. XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology. 30 September – 4 October. Aveiro, Portugal.
Romero, A.L.B., Bernhard, R., Castelblanco, D.N., Vogt, R., Duque, S.R. & Gonçalves, C. S. (2014) Nesting habitat of the six-tubercled Amazonian river turtles Podocnemis sextuberculata, Biological Reserve of The Trombeta River, Brazil. 11th Symposium on Conservation and Participatory Management in the Amazon. 01 – 03 July. Tefé, Brazil.
Gonçalves, C., Bernhard R. & Vogt, R. (2013) Effects of nest-relocation on hatching success of yellow-spotted and six-tubercled Amazonian river turtles. International Symposium on Freshwater Turtles Conservation. 22- 24 May. Gaia Biological Park - Porto, Portugal.

Other Communications
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Science in the pub
Workshop in Melbourne with mornington peninsula?
teaching experiences